Mortal Kombat was a defining moment for fighting games. With it came a ton of sequels and even more rip-offs trying to ride on its success. Today the Nerd reviews rip-offs such as Time Killers (arcade and Sega Genesis), Jackie Chan Fists of Fire (arcade), Street Fighter the Movie: the Game (arcade), Tattoo Assassins (arcade), and Shadow: War of Succession (3D0).
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THE THING is Underrated
Knights of the Round
This drawer sucks.
Kurt Russell and a Chimpanzee in Disney's Barefoot Executive
AVGN in Duck Hunt
An Introduction to Cinemassacre
For those new to the site, James, the founder of Cinemassacre Productions and the main creative force behind its content, tells of his roots as a classic horror/fantasy movie fanatic, how they shaped him into the filmmaker he is, and the evolution of his work and Cinemassacre to what it has become today.